Getting Started with Flask: A Beginner's Guide to Web Development with Python


Getting Started with Flask: A Beginner's Guide to Web Development with Python

Flask is a Python-based microweb framework that is easy to use, lightweight, and flexible. It is a popular choice for building web applications and APIs due to its simplicity and ease of use. Flask was initially released in 2010 and is maintained by a group of developers led by Armin Ronacher.

In this blog, we will explore the Flask framework in detail, including its features, architecture, and how to use it to build web applications and APIs. We will also provide code examples to illustrate how Flask works.

Flask Architecture Flask follows a modular design, which makes it easy to add new features to your application. Flask provides various modules that you can use to add functionality to your application, such as the Jinja2 template engine, Werkzeug utility library, and SQLAlchemy database toolkit.

flask web development made easy

The Flask architecture consists of the following components:

  1. Application Object: The Flask application object is the central object of your application. It is an instance of the Flask class that represents your web application. The Flask object provides methods for adding routes, registering blueprints, and configuring your application.

  2. Routes: Routes define how your application responds to requests from clients. Routes are defined using the @app.route() decorator, which maps a URL pattern to a function that handles the request.

  3. Views: Views are Python functions that handle requests from clients and return responses. Views are responsible for processing requests, accessing data from databases, and generating responses.

  4. Templates: Templates are used to generate dynamic HTML pages that are displayed to users. Flask uses the Jinja2 template engine to render templates. Templates can contain variables, conditionals, and loops to generate dynamic content.

  5. Blueprints: Blueprints are used to organize your application into modular components. A blueprint is a Python module that contains routes, views, templates, and static files. Blueprints allow you to reuse code across different parts of your application.

  6. Static Files: Static files are files that are served directly to clients without any processing. Examples of static files include images, CSS files, and JavaScript files.

Flask Features Flask provides various features that make it a popular choice for building web applications and APIs. Here are some of the features of Flask:

  1. Lightweight: Flask is a lightweight framework that does not require a lot of boilerplate code. This makes it easy to get started and reduces the time required to build web applications.

  2. Easy to Learn: Flask has a simple and intuitive API that is easy to learn. Flask's API is designed to be Pythonic, which means that it follows Python's syntax and conventions.

  3. Flexible: Flask is a flexible framework that allows you to customize your application based on your specific needs. Flask provides various extension modules that you can use to add functionality to your application.

  4. Modular: Flask follows a modular design that allows you to add new features to your application as needed. Flask provides various modules that you can use to add functionality to your application.

  5. Built-in Development Server: Flask provides a built-in development server that you can use to test your application during development. The development server provides features such as auto-reloading, which makes it easy to iterate quickly during development.

  6. Large Community: Flask has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the development of the framework. This means that you can find a lot of resources, tutorials, and plugins to help you build your application.

Flask Installation To install Flask, you need to have Python installed on your computer. You can download Python from the official Python website (

Once you have installed Python, you can install Flask using pip, the Python package manager. Open a terminal and run the following command:

pip install Flask

Once you have installed Flask, you can create a new Flask application. Create a new file called and add the following code:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return 'Hello, World!'

This code creates a new Flask application and defines a single route. The route is specified using the @app.route decorator and maps the root URL (/) to the hello function. The hello function returns a string that says "Hello, World!".

To run the application, save the file and run the following command in the terminal:

flask run

This will start the Flask development server and you can access the application by going to http://localhost:5000/ in your web browser. You should see the "Hello, World!" message displayed in the browser.

Routes and Views 

Routes are used in Flask to map URLs to view functions. View functions are Python functions that handle requests and return responses. In the previous example, we defined a single route using the @app.route decorator. We can define more routes by adding more decorators to our view functions.

Here is an example that defines two routes:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return 'Hello, World!'

def about():
    return 'About Us'

This code defines two routes. The first route maps the root URL (/) to the hello function and the second route maps the /about URL to the about function. When you go to http://localhost:5000/about in your web browser, you should see the "About Us" message displayed.

Dynamic Routes 

In addition to static routes, Flask also supports dynamic routes. Dynamic routes allow you to capture variable parts of the URL and use them in your view function. Here is an example:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello(name):
    return f'Hello, {name}!'

This code defines a route that captures a variable part of the URL called name. When you go to http://localhost:5000/hello/John in your web browser, you should see the message "Hello, John!" displayed. The value of the name variable is passed to the view function as a parameter.


In many web applications, you need to generate HTML dynamically based on data from a database or user input. Flask provides a built-in templating engine called Jinja2 that makes it easy to generate dynamic HTML.

To use templates, you need to create a templates directory in your Flask application and store your templates there. Here is an example that uses a template to generate an HTML page:

from flask import Flask, render_template

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    return render_template('home.html', name='John')

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this code, we define a route that uses a template called home.html to generate an HTML page. The render_template function is used to render the template file.


A blueprint is a way to organize related routes, views, and other functionality into a modular component that can be reused across different parts of your application. A blueprint is essentially a collection of routes and associated functions that define the behaviour of a specific part of your application.

Using blueprints, you can break down your application into smaller, more manageable parts that can be developed and tested independently. Blueprints also allow you to create reusable components that can be easily integrated into other parts of your application.

Here's an example of how to define a blueprint in Flask:

# app/auth/

from flask import Blueprint

auth = Blueprint('auth', __name__)

def login():
    return 'Login Page'

def logout():
    return 'Logout Page'

In this example, we've defined a blueprint called auth that includes two routes: /login and /logout. The auth variable is an instance of the Blueprint class, which takes two arguments: the blueprint name ('auth' in this case) and the name of the module or package that the blueprint belongs to (__name__ in this case).

The @auth.route decorator is used to define the routes for the auth blueprint. The login function is associated with the /login route, and the logout function is associated with the /logout route. When a user visits either of these routes, Flask will call the corresponding function and return the response to the client.

To use the auth blueprint in your application, you need to register it with the Flask application object:

# app/

from flask import Flask
from app.auth import auth

app = Flask(__name__)

app.register_blueprint(auth, url_prefix='/auth')

In this example, we've imported the auth blueprint from the app.auth module and registered it with the Flask application object using the app.register_blueprint method. The url_prefix argument is used to specify the URL prefix for all routes in the auth blueprint.

Now, when a user visits /auth/login or /auth/logout, Flask will use the corresponding functions defined in the auth blueprint to handle the request and return the response.

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